Exhibition catalogues
The Austrian State Archives are frequently represented with selected archival materials from its holdings at many renowned major exhibitions in Austria and abroad. They have also presented their own exhibitions in their exhibition rooms or made these rooms available for guest exhibitions.
The catalogues of past exhibitions shown in the Austrian State Archives contain descriptions of the individual exhibits, illustrations of selected pieces, and embed the objects in their historical context with further explanations on the subject.
The publications listed below can be purchased at the Austrian State Archives. For further information please call +43 1 795 40-640115 or send an Email: oesta@oesta.gv.at

Malta – Vom Ordensstaat zur Europäischen Union
Wien 2007
126 pp (with numerous illustrations)
ISBN 978-3-902575-02-9
10 Euros

Ungarn auf Landkarten.
Wien 2006
43 pp (with numerous illustrations)
5 Euros

"Vergänglicher Glanz…" Altösterreichs Orden
Wien 2005
112 pp (with numerous illustrations)
ISBN 3-900538-84-0
10 Euros

Prag – Wien – Pressburg in der Diplomatie 1920 bis 2005
Wien 2005
111 pp (with numerous illustrations)
In German and Czech language
7 Euros