Copyright notice and disclaimer
Austrian State Archives
Nottendorfer Gasse 2
1030 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 79 540-0
© 2019, 2025 Austrian State Archives
Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated. Any restrictions on use shall be clearly indicated.
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Austrian State Archives, Stabsabteilung
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Bundeskanzleramt, Abteilung I/12 – Digitale Kommunikation
Implementation and Hosting
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Terms of use
1. Disclaimer – exclusion of liability
The content provided here is for general information purposes. We assume no warranty/liability for the accuracy, currency, completeness and availability of the information/services offered. In particular, no legal claims arising from the use of the information and services accessed may be established. They cannot replace comprehensive legal advice. If you require particular advice, please contact an expert directly.
References and links to other Internet sites have been carefully selected. However, their content, accuracy, currency, completeness and availability are beyond our control and we assume no warranty/liability therefor.
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2. Intellectual property
All content, the design/layout, and any sound and video sequences are protected by copyright. All rights therein are reserved by the copyright holder. No changes may be made.
Public use of the information/services may only be made with our consent and provided the source is named and made visible. Anyone is free to simply link to our content while at the same time indicating the source and no special permission is required to do so.
3. Final provisions
Use of the information/services is governed exclusively by Austrian law.
If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or do not fully comply with the current legal situation, the content and validity of the remaining parts shall remain unaffected.
Instead of an ineffective provision or to fill a gap, an appropriate legally permissible provision shall be used that comes as close as possible to what would have been intended in accordance with the intention and purpose of these Terms of Use if the partial invalidity or gap had been known.
Privacy statement
Privacy statement of the Austrian State Archives in German: Datenschutzinformation.
The Austrian State Archives endeavors to ensure access to its information and services for all. Information on the state of the barrier-free implementation can be found in the web page Accessibility Statement (in German).
Photo credit
All images are, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the property of the Austrian State Archives.