Other Publications
All publications can be purchased at the Austrian State Archives. For further information please call +43 1 795 40-115 or send an Email to: stabpost@oesta.gv.at

Über den Saurüssel zur Großen Mühl. 120 Jahre Mühlkreisbahn
Wien 2008
125 Seiten (mit zahlreichen Abbildungen)
ISBN 978-3-902575-12-8
12 Euro

Mit Volldampf in den Süden. 150 Jahre Südbahn Wien-Triest
Wien 2008
2. erweiterte und ergänzte Auflage
573 Seiten (mit zahlreichen Abbildungen)
ISBN 13-978-3-902575-01-2
24 Euro

Biografien österreichischer PhysikerInnen
Eine Auswahl
Wien 2005
164 Seiten (mit zahlreichen Abbildungen)
5 Euro

Vom Teufelswerk zum Weltkulturerbe
150 Jahre Semmeringbahn
Wien 2004
230 Seiten (mit zahlreichen Abbildungen)
ISBN 3-901407-73-1
19 Euro

Das Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv
Geschichte – Gebäude – Bestände
Wien 2003
208 Seiten (mit zahlreichen Abbildungen)
ISBN 3-9500984-7-X
40 Euro
Österreichische Gesellschaft für historische Quellenstudien ("Austrian Society for the Study of Historical Sources")

The "Österreichische Gesellschaft für historische Quellenstudien" ("Austrian Society for the Study of Historical Sources") – a not-for-profit association having its seat at the Austrian State Archives – has been in charge of editing the records of the Council of Ministers of the First Austrian Republic since 1979. Since 1994 the society also publishes the records of the Council of Ministers' meetings of the Second Republic.
The records of the Council of Ministers (a term denoting the weekly meeting of all members of the Austrian federal government) – are a record group of enormous importance for research in contemporary history. They shed light on a broad range of political issues, in particular in foreign policy, home affairs and economic policy; Government ministers and experts brought in were often enough quite outspoken when dealing with such issues. Diverging or concurrent interests can be identified very well in the records. The records of the Council of Ministers clarify the position of individual Austrian government ministers in political decision-making in a way that is hardly found in other contexts. The historical perspectives arising from the records, which are written in Gabelsberger shorthand, are often entirely new.
In addition to the editorial work, the "Österreichische Gesellschaft für historische Quellenstudien" also laid the foundation for a documentation on personalities from politics, administration, business and art which is being updated on an ongoing basis. The extensive biographical materials form the basis of publication on elite research.
Gertrude Enderle-Burcel
Österreichische Gesellschaft für historische Quellenstudien
Nottendorfer Gasse 2
A-1030 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 795 40-107
Fax: +43 1 795 40-109
Email: oegq@aon.at
Website: www.oegq.at